4 Reasons Why Good Aim is a Good Fit for Your Company

Are you a small or medium-sized business that is unable to have its own marketing team? Are you a startup that needs more attention to grow your brand? Does your marketing team need a boost for a large, upcoming project or guidance for creating their first marketing plan?
Hiring more people for your marketing team is costly. It’s another salary, benefits and time spent training. To fill that gap, what you need is a marketing agency full of experienced industry professionals. Here are four reasons why you may need a marketing agency and how Good Aim Communications can fill those needs.
You have no idea where to start
Whether your business is just starting out or it’s finally time to market yourself by more than just word of mouth, a marketing plan is an essential first step to the process. A marketing plan will help you identify your target markets, plan a campaign and learn what metrics will be used to reflect the success of your plan. Webpage views, bounce rate or the number of blogs and followers on social media can be used to create these metrics. Creating a plan like this will also help you assess what your competitors are doing and how marketing will improve your business.
Is there a need for a plan like this in your business but you don’t know where to begin and don’t have the time to do it? Good Aim is here to help! Good Aim Communications created marketing campaigns for Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund that included “This is Your Home” and “The Face of Foreclosure.” The video advertisements the team wrote won a regional Emmy.
Interested in learning more about our work with the Hardest Hit Fund? Check out our website to learn more.
Your website is out of date
In the age of the internet, no company wants to get left behind when it comes to website creation. Having a fast, well-designed, device-agnostic website is an excellent way to make a great first impression, whether you are a consumer-facing company or B2B. Having great Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will help more companies and consumers find you and what you have to offer as a business. According to BrightEdge Research, organic search is the cause of 53% of traffic to websites.
There are a lot of website platforms that can help you get a website started, but the nitty-gritty aspects like SEO and the best practices of a website are complex and better handled by those experienced in it, such as Good Aim Communications. We have created websites for a variety of businesses such as Chicago’s Pizza and Green Square. Want to learn more about the website builds that our team has done? Get a sneak peek behind the scenes of our work on Chicago’s Pizza’s website, our owner’s custom-built site, author Aimee L. Morgan and what we did for Green Square.
You need help getting started with digital marketing
Does upkeeping a consistent social media plan for your business feel like too much of a time commitment? Do your competitors have successful email campaigns and you need help getting your own started? Have you heard of lead generation but have no idea what it means?
Digital marketing can be an intimidating task to tackle. You must understand which audiences to target on social media, acquire a catalog of email addresses to have an enewsletter and all that before you create the weeks of content required to power this campaign.
Creating a digital marketing strategy and campaign is difficult, but our experts understand the ins and outs of digital marketing. Good Aim Communications is experienced in lead generation, working on campaigns for companies like Green Square and creating videos for government entities like IHCDA.
You are looking for a boost in sales
Sometimes, your business goes through a slump that seems impossible to get out from. Marketing is an invaluable tool to drum up excitement around your brand. When done right, social media advertisements will remind people about your brand and a revamped website will ensure those new potential customers stick around for longer.
Good Aim can help your business get out of a slump with our experience in marketing and communications. We can build or improve your website, create a marketing strategy, rebrand your company and help kickstart your digital marketing journey.
Want to learn what Good Aim can do for your business?
Feel free to reach out by going to goodaimcommunications.com or email us at info@goodaimcommunications.com.
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